SMART Production
CEO / Technical Production Manager
“We do it the Czech way.” — Pepa’s answer to a promoter at the Superbloom festival in Munich
Pepa started as a marketing assistant at Sony Music as he was fascinated by music from a young age. As part of his work at Sony, he helped organize concerts and produce showcase events. After leaving Sony in 2006, he became a producer for 1015 Entertainment and founded his own company SMART Production.
What he enjoys about his work is the diversity — no event is the same, he constantly meets new people and faces new challenges. But what he enjoys most about events is that moment when all the pieces of the puzzle — from the tech, to the band, to the audience — fall into place at exactly the right moment. People are waiting, the lights turn on, and it’s that moment when everyone gets swept up in the shared experience. One of his greatest experiences of this year was the concert of Adele in Munich, which he attended out of professional curiosity to gain inspiration and explore the technical solutions of the event.